Worksheet #4 A Legacy to Stand On

Places to find powerful memories:

1.    Your earliest remembered experience
2.        Your First Place
3.        The House You Lived in as a     Child
4.        Childhood Years
5.        Toys of Childhood
6.        Family Pets
7.        Summertime: What It Meant   to Me as a Child
8.        A Favorite Snapshot
9.        Your Parent: Mother
10.        Your Parent: Father
11.        Grandparents
12.        Sisters and Brothers
13.        Early School Years
14.        Junior High School Years:     Adolescence
15.        High School Years: Future     Dreams
16.        A Family Gathering Place
17.        Military Years
18.        The Great Depression
19.        War Years: World War ll
20.        Work Life
21.        Courtship/Wedding
22.        Husband or Wife
23.        Early Married Years
24.        Birth and Life of First Child
25.    Raising a Family
26.    Neighbors in Your Life
27.    A Dear and Close Friend
28.    Family Customs/Habits
29.    A chosen Relative
30.    When the Children Left Home
31.    Weddings
32.    In-Laws: Past and Present
33.    Grandchildren
34.    Life as a Widow/Widower
35.    Retirement Years
36.    When I look Back, I wish I     Had…..
37.    As I Look Ahead, I Plan to..
38.    A Happy Period in Your Life
39.    A Difficult Period
40.    A Major Change: A Turning     Point
41.    A Memorable Event in Your     Life
42.    A Narrow Escape
43.    Your Worst Mistake
44.    One of Your Smartest     Decisions
45.    A Special Accomplishment
46.    Involvement in the Community
47.    Unusual Trip/Adventure/     Vacation
48.    Hobbies and Leisure Interests
49.    Family Recipes
50.    Artifacts/Keepsakes/Heirlooms
51.    Values and Ideals from Your     Parents
52.    Religion, Philosophy, Faith over     the Years
53.    A Catastrophic Event/     Experience
54.    Your Favorite Holiday
55.    Remembering Patriotic/     Historical Holidays
56.    A Memorable Christmas
57.    The New Year: Celebrations Past     and Present
58.    A Special Family Event
59.    A Person Who Influenced Your     Life
60.    A Life or Lives You Have Touched
61.    Favorite Places of Your Life
62.    Transportation over the Years
63.    Political Interests
64.    Fashions over the Years
65.    Entertainment
66.    The Journey: Searching for Roots
67.    State of Health over the Years:     Illness, Accident, Hospitalization
68.    Risks Encountered
69.    Losses in Your Life
70.    Deaths