Work sheet #1 for A Legacy to Stand On

“A Legacy to Stand On” by David Holt –
Looking at Your Culture -Copyright. Jim May

Your Culture
1.    What is good about your culture?
2.    What is difficult for you?
3.    What from your culture has given you survival skills and strengths?
4.    What has not been useful to you?
5.    Who has helped you be who you want to be?
6.    Who keeps you from being who you want to be?
7.    What is magic in our lives?
8.    When did your childhood end?

Givens in our Lives:
What is your family story of who you are?
1.    Skin color
2.    Race
3.    Gender
4.    Parents/ family
5.    Class
6.    Religion
7.    Place we grew up
8.    Era we live in
9.    Language
10.    Family History
11.    Education
12.    Family Motto
13.    Abilities
14.    Disabilities

Things You Have Chosen in your life:
1.    Profession
2.    Spouse
3.    Food
4.    Residence
5.    Education
6.    Economic class
7.    Religion
8.    Politics
9.    Friendships
10.    Personal Motto.

1.What aspects of my culture of birth (family, early influences) have nurtured me and become a foundation for my daily life (some possible examples:  a love of music, a sense of frugality, the need to give back to the community, to the church, etc…..)
2. What aspects of my culture of birth have I had to leave behind to get where I am now (examples: non-survival habits, addictions, fear, tragedy, prejudice, etc…)?